Category Archives: Education

OWASP Proactive Controls OWASP Foundation

If you devote your free time to developing and maintaining OSS projects, you might not have the time, resources, or security knowledge to implement security features in a robust, complete way. In this blog post, I’ll discuss the importance of establishing the different components and modules you’ll need in your project and how to choose frameworks and libraries with secure defaults. Two great examples of secure defaults in most web frameworks are web views that encode output by default (providing XSS attack defenses) as well as built-in protection against Cross-Site Request Forgeries. So, I’ll also show you how to use invariant enforcement to make sure that there are no unjustified deviations from such defaults across the full scope of your projects. OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls describes the most important control and control categories that every architect and developer should absolutely, 100% include in every project. The Top 10 Proactive Controls are by developers for developers to assist those new to secure development.

Mirabella et al. (2011) tested dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) using a variant stop signal task where the monkeys responded to visual targets by touch with a speeded reaching movement. The study found that among neurons with a movement-preparatory activity, about one-third exhibit a modulation before the behavioral estimate of the time it takes to cancel a planned movement. Hence these neurons exhibit a pattern of activity suggesting that PMd plays a critical role in the control of arm movement initiation and suppression.

Similar to OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls(

Previous studies on math anxiety (Suárez-Pellicioni et al., 2014; Van den Bussche et al., 2020) have found contradictory results and their conclusions regarding proactive control have been questioned based on methodological issues. Taken as a whole, electrophysiological data from humans and monkeys during stopping point to comparable proactive and reactive control mechanisms. The preSMA and STN become more active when a prepotent response must be reactively inhibited (Isoda and Hikosaka, 2007, 2008a,b), while the preSMA and SMA activity is correlated with subsequent proactive changes in response time (Chen et al., 2010; Stuphorn et al., 2010). These findings fit well with the results of human studies (Aron and Poldrack, 2006; Sharp et al., 2010). Voluntary behavior is characterized by the motivation to act in order to obtain a particular goal. Lesions of the pre-SMA and SMA may lead to apathy, because the motivational drive that normally links reward expectation with specific actions is absent.

  • Tics can be voluntarily suppressed for a limited period of time (Ganos et al., 2018).
  • That is always possible, but the fact that the negative finding in SEF is based on results in four monkeys, while the positive finding in pre-SMA/SMA is based on results in only two monkeys, makes this possibility less likely.
  • The role of the pre-SMA is more debated, but seems to be more cognitive than the one of the other two and less clearly related to only one major motor system (Sumner et al., 2007).
  • These studies have used a go/nogo task and have reported neurons in BA45 that responded to behaviorally relevant cues and identified them as nogo signals (Sakagami et al., 2001).
  • Identifying and designing out potential reliability problems requires considerable effort (and training) at the trade force level, it is beyond the duties that these people are normally expected to carry out.
  • If I got is right, the trials were separated by 2500ms after which a CTI of up 500ms was presented before the target stimulus possibly calling for a task and/or response switch was introduced.

A recent study investigating perception-action binding in TS reported a similar finding, with parietal C-cluster amplitudes increasing in the less compatible condition (Kleimaker et al., 2020). Although the underlying process behind this modulation in the TS group is currently unclear, our results corroborate that parietal processes related to perception-action binding are altered in patients with TS. While the experimental evidence in favor of a role of the medial frontal cortex in reactive control was mixed, there is very clear evidence for such a role in the case of proactive control. Very few neurons carried signals sufficient for saccade initiation (Stuphorn et al., 2010). However, there exists a more subtle relationship between SEF activation and saccade production. The activity of some SEF neurons was correlated with response time and varied with sequential adjustments in response latency.


Task set-response bindings can be modulated by proactive control processes between cue and target, which is not the case for target-response bindings. Nevertheless, our decomposed EEG data provide evidence that target-locked processes in fronto-central (N2) as well as parietal (P3) regions were indeed influenced by task set-response (perception-action) binding. Additionally, the comparable behavioral task switch costs between groups indicate unaltered task set-target binding in TS. This is consistent with predictions from perception-action binding accounts, which state that altered binding in TS specifically includes actions (Beste and Münchau, 2018). The P3 modulation was most pronounced in the S-cluster, which is thought to primarily reflect stimulus processes, i.e., perception and attention (Ouyang et al., 2011).

Each participant was clinically assessed using standardized clinical assessments. Tic severity was scored using the clinician-rated Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS; Leckman et al., 1989). Additional self-report scales were administered to screen for secondary and comorbid symptoms. Specifically, the PMU was measured using the Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale (PUTS; Woods et al., 2005).

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Greg Freshour has served as a Paramedic in South Carolina since 1996, and was selected as Tactical Medic for the Greenville County police and Sheriff’s Office SWAT teams in 2001. With concurrent time spent as a US Army medic since 1989, Greg has served in units both stateside and overseas. He also worked as a Certified Protection Specialist with a large security company and is currently a Tactical Combat Casualty Instructor assisting with medical training for agencies throughout the state. Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Monitoring is the live review of application and security logs using various forms of automation.

Many future vulnerabilities can be prevented by thinking about and designing for security earlier in the software development life cycle (SDLC). The OWASP Proactive Controls is one of the best-kept secrets of the OWASP universe. Everyone knows the OWASP Top Ten as the top application security risks, updated every few years. Proactive Controls is a catalog of available security controls that counter one or many of the top ten. Then develop and commit to a realistic study schedule, and accept the fact there will be adjustments to that schedule to meet unexpected work and life demands. If unplanned disruptions do arise, try to resume your studies as soon as possible, for maintaining a steady momentum of effort is important in any certification effort.

Social Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Brain Mapping

Math anxiety is frequently described, using the classical definition given by Richardson and Suinn (1972), as a feeling of tension and apprehension that some people experience when they have to manipulate numbers or solve mathematical problems, in academic or daily situations. An approach to explain the effects of math anxiety on performance that is receiving increasing interest involves the use of Attentional Control Theory (ACT hereafter, Eysenck et al., 2007). Fluid intelligence was measured by Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven, 2003). The test has also been reported to show good reliability for the Chinese population (Wang et al., 2007). It includes 72 items and each item consists of a series of geometric figures with one of them missing. Participants were asked to choose the appropriate geometric figure from a set of given figures.

proactive controls

This hypothesis is supported by the fact that activity levels in and around the pre-SMA increased when response speed is emphasized during speed-accuracy tradeoff experiments (Forstmann et al., 2008; Ivanoff et al., 2008; van Veen et al., 2008). In terms of computational reaction time models, a change in the responsiveness of the motor system translates into a shift of the distance to the threshold at which a response is initiated (Ratcliff, 1978; Luce, 1986; Reddi and Carpenter, 2000). A decrease of the threshold is equivalent to an increase of the baseline, and vice versa (Stuphorn and Schall, 2002; Bogacz et al., 2010). The results of neurophysiological experiments fit such reaction time models very well.

General Preparation Processes in Task Switching

Besides, we hypothesized that the proactive control index as measured by the AX-CPT would be positively correlated with both working memory and math performance. Therefore, these variables would be incorporated into the present study as control variables. It has been suggested that the engagement of proactive control may critically depend on working memory, as proactive control requires continuous and active maintenance of goal-related information in working memory. Accordingly, individuals with higher working memory capacity may be better at using valid cues to prepare their responses to incoming targets, and show more efficiency in proactive control engagement. However, the majority of previous studies have detected this relationship in young adults (Richmond et al., 2015; Wiemers and Redick, 2018) and older children (Lorsbach and Reimer, 2010; Troller-Renfree et al., 2020).

  • CW collected the data, carried out the data analysis, drafted the initial manuscript, and critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual content.
  • Studying for certification exams requires the mastery of broad concepts, as well as the raw memorization of a multitude of facts and figures.
  • Previous studies on math anxiety (Suárez-Pellicioni et al., 2014; Van den Bussche et al., 2020) have found contradictory results and their conclusions regarding proactive control have been questioned based on methodological issues.
  • Figure 1.17 shows these ideas incorporated into the FPP maintenance administration.
  • In summary, Braver’s DMC Theory (2012) predicts that anxiety might impair proactive control mechanisms.

These two motivations (or action values for GO and WAIT) vary in strength according to the most recent reward and trial history. The relative strength of these motivations determines the level of excitability and the momentary speed-accuracy tradeoff of the subject at any moment in the task. However, this changing modulation of the level of excitability of the motor system was exactly what was discussed as a proactive control system earlier.

Extended Data Figure 3-2

These limitations can be overcome through single-unit recordings in non-human primates. In this article, we describe the behavioral and physiological evidence for dual mechanisms of control in response inhibition in the medial frontal cortex of monkeys performing the stop signal or countermanding task. Based on the behavioral and EEG data analysis the authors found no evidence for increased perception-action binding in GTS.

First, we employed only an AX-CPT task and a standardized arithmetic test for measuring proactive control and math ability. A broader measurement for proactive control and math ability is recommended for future research to improve the generalization of the findings. Additionally, as the present study only examined a set of very limited variables, it remains unclear whether other cognitive factors untested would affect the results.

Proactive Control Mediates the Relationships Between Working Memory and Math Ability

YY designed the study, collected the data, and contributed to interpretation of the data and revision of the manuscript. Considering that data of this study are still analyzed for further research, we can not share the data publicly at the moment. The datasets generated for this study are available on request to the corresponding author. The correlations of age, socioeconomic status, and fluid intelligence with key study variables. The readers interested in ERPs in may would prefer to be able to see the actual waveforms for TS participants and controls. In the S-cluster and standard ERP, no significant effects were found after controlling for medication (Extended Data Figs. 4-1, 4-2).

However, further study is warranted to identify the neural mechanism underlying the relation between proactive control and working memory in early childhood. In sum, we examined proactive control and binding processes in the context of task switching in patients with TS and matched healthy controls. Behavioral performance and electrophysiological modulations of proactive control involved in the reconfiguration of the new task were unaltered in TS patients.

What is your experience in managing remote teams or and freelancers?

They can be utilized by people with full-time jobs, freelance careers and even entrepreneurs who want to rent out an office space for themselves or their small staff. When you work on a remote team, there’s no chance to chat in the hall between meetings or catch up on remote work experience the latest project during a shared ride to the office. So virtual communication will be absolutely fundamental to you getting your job done. And you’ll be using all kinds of tools to communicate – email, online chat, video hangouts, project management software, etc.

What do you like about working remotely?

Your productivity skyrockets when working in an environment that has decreased distractions. Working from home gives you the space to think critically and perform better. You're thrilled with the prospect of working for a company you admire without being limited by your geographical location.

Or propose that you move another post up in the schedule so that this one can wait. Remember, one of the most important qualities of a remote worker is being able to take responsibility. Part of that is finding a solution, not JUST reporting the problem. For this answer, think about how technology is incorporated into your life and how you use it to make your life easier or better. That can be devices, apps, workflows, or even entertainment. So, mention your undying devotion to your MacBook Air or your obsession with podcast apps.

Get in the remote mindset.

If you don’t like working remotely, you won’t like your job either. Knowing what remote work perks you expect and what disadvantages you just can’t cope with is key to picking the right employer. Lack of work satisfaction will show in your results or, better said, in no results.

  • With endless Slacks and confusing Zoom meetings, this is bound to have happened to everyone with remote work experience.
  • You have to show that you’re 100% trustworthy if you want to be a fully-remote employee.
  • This means you can work from your home, a coffee shop, the beach, your car, or even a coworking space where other remote workers and freelancers like you are working from.
  • Write out a few sentences about what you gain from working remotely and how it solves both personal and career challenges.

Many of my colleagues go into the office 1-2 days a week on the West Coast, but I do not. I make quarterly trips to the west coast that range from 2-5 days and work from home the rest of the time. There is an office about an hour away from my home, but I’m not expected to report there unless there is an actual business necessity. My first day to get equipment and one in-person lunch with a business unit I support. I’ve been in this role since the first quarter of 2022 and I never intend to go back to any office full-time.

What is remote work?

Therefore, you should be prepared to demonstrate that you not only understand the company culture but why you’d be a great fit. Chances are, you don’t only want this job because it’s a remote position—and if that is your only reason, you should probably reevaluate. So, it would be best if you touched on the other aspects of the role that appeal to you and fit your strengths and experience. If you’re interviewing for a remote job, the question is bound to pop up.

describe your experience working remotely

Use task management software, work management software, or project management tools like the ones compared here, with features to help you stay up to date with any project changes and avoid misunderstandings. One thing I realized while talking to other remote workers was that we all had the same problems. Do your daily chores and you’ll soon find it’s time to go to bed already. Yet, certain companies prefer this when it comes to choosing their employees to cover the different time zones of their clients. For instance, a company could have 3 different customer support experts in distinct time zones to answer all incoming requests in a timely manner. Just because you’re taking one or two days each week to work from home doesn’t mean you’ve become a remote worker.

Return to Office Mandates: What to Do When…

For example, some people have the opportunity to work remotely for the majority of the working week, but have to commute to in-person meetings at the office one day a week. On a typical day, these remote employees work from their home offices or nearby cafés and can work from their company’s office when it’s necessary. There are a few things that you can do to increase your chances of getting a remote job. The first is to make sure that your resume and cover letter are tailored to the position that you are applying for. You should also highlight any experience that you have working remotely. It is true that some companies do not request your cover letter while others do.

Did you know that employers can save money, decrease turnover, andincrease productivityby letting their employees work remotely? Though employers who offer a work-at-home option already understand the perks, it’s nice to show them you care about the company’s future. Therefore, research articles, surveys, and interviews about business owners who successfully operate remote teams. Make a list of general topics, but also include statistics and references for credibility. Remote workers may feel pressure to produce more output in order to be seen as valuable, and reduce the idea that they are doing less work than others.

For example, Buffer pays based on San Francisco rates, and deducts up to 25% for cost-of-living. This feels pretty harsh to me, and yet it still comes out to a much more generous salary than is common in Montreal. I am very aware that this office is a privilege that many cannot afford—it costs $700 CAD / $525 USD a month. In many cases, though, employers are willing to contribute towards these costs, either in part or in full. And this additional expense is often smaller than the bump in salary folks receive when transitioning to remote work.